Alaa Abd-Elsayed, MD, MPH, FASA (USA)
Dr. Alaa Abd-Elsayed joined the faculty of the Anesthesiology Department at the University of Wisconsin in 2014 to provide Chronic Pain Medicine Services as part of the Interventional Pain Program. He received his medical training at Assiut University Medical School in Egypt, completed a master’s degree in Public Health, research fellowship at Cleveland Clinic, and residency in anesthesiology and pain management fellowship at University of Cincinnati. As part of the Interventional Pain Program, Dr. Abd-Elsayed evaluates patients at the Pain Clinic, and when an interventional pain treatment is appropriate, performs procedures at the Madison Surgery Center.
In addition to his work as a pain specialist, Dr. Abd-Elsayed is an active clinical investigator. Current studies include the use of opioids, genetic variations leading to different individual response to opioids, and the use of neuromodulation and peripheral nerve stimulators for the management of neuropathic pain. He also has research interests in fibromyalgia, complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS) and headaches, and is leading a study called “CREATE” to help CRPS patients. Over the course of his career, he has received numerous research grants, published more than 70 peer-reviewed manuscripts and authored several editorials and book chapters. He has presented at more than 60 international and national conferences and has earned more than 15 awards at the state and national levels. In addition, he has served as a reviewer for more than 20 journals and as an editor to several journals.
“Dr. Al,” as he likes to be called, is a member of the American Society of Interventional Pain Physicians (ASIPP) and the American Society of Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine (ASRA). He was named among the Leading Physicians of the World and America’s Best Physicians in 2016.
Alaa Abd-Elsayed, MD, MPH, FASA (USA)

Adnan Al-Kaisy, MD, FIPP (UK)
Dr. Al-Kaisy is currently the Clinical Lead of the Pain Management and Neuromodulation Centre at Guy’s and St. Thomas’ NHS trust. He trained in Chronic Pain Medicine at The Walton Centre for Neurology and Neurosurgery, Liverpool. He has a fellowship in Chronic Pain Management at the University of Toronto Hospital, Canada. Dr. Al-Kaisy has an international reputation as a leading expert in Pain Management and has extensive experience in working toward the advancement of electrical neuromodulation techniques within this specialty. Dr. Al-Kaisy led the first multicenter and multinational study on the safety and efficacy of 10kHz SCS in the management of Failed Back Surgery Syndrome (FBSS). He has subsequently clinically pioneered the use of this novel therapy in the management of different chronic pain conditions including the feasibility study on chronic back patients without prior surgery. He has successfully designed groundbreaking research including a randomized double-blind placebo control study examining different frequencies in the management of FBSS. He is the innovator of a number of techniques including transgrade dorsal root ganglion stimulation using monopolar electrical stimulation. Dr. Al-Kaisy continues to teach and lecture on essential and pioneering topics in pain management in the United States, Europe, Australia, and Asia. He is the chair of the biannual London Spine Pain Symposium at Guy’s and St. Thomas’ Hospital.
Adnan Al-Kaisy, MD, FIPP (UK)

Diana Alvarez, MD, FIPP (COLOMBIA)
Diana Alvarez, MD, FIPP (COLOMBIA)

Gustavo Aquino, MD, FIPP (BRAZIL)
Neurosurgeon member of the Neurosurgical Brazilian Society
Board certified by the Brazilian Medical Association in Pain Medicine
Fellow of Interventional Pain Practice by the World Institute of Pain – Budapest 2016
Coordinator of the Pain Master Postgraduate Course at Sinpain – Campinas Brazil
Faculty at the World Institute of Pain Integrated Workshop – FIPP & CIPS exam
Examiner for the FIPP examination
Gustavo Aquino, MD, FIPP (BRAZIL)

Maria Fernanda Arboleda, MD (MEXICO)
Médica y cirujana, de la Pontificia Universidad
Javeriana, Bogotá; anestesióloga y especialista
en medicina del dolor y cuidados paliativos, de
la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México,
UNAM, y el Instituto Nacional de Ciencias
Médicas y Nutrición Salvador Zubirán, Ciudad
de México; Fellowship clínico en anestesia
regional, anestesia para cirugía de columna y
manejo intervencionista del dolor, de la
Universidad de McGill, Montreal, Canadá;
estudios postdoctorales en investigación en
Cuidados de Soporte en Cáncer y Cannabis
Medicinal, de la Universidad de McGill y Santé
Cannabis, clínica líder y especializada en la
prescripción de cannabis medicinal en la
provincia de Quebec, Canadá.
En la actualidad, la Dra. Arboleda es la
Directora Asociada de Investigación de Santé
Cannabis, y tiene una amplia experiencia en la
prescripción responsable y segura de
cannabis medicinal en diferentes contextos
clínicos. Adicionalmente, ha sido ponente y
conferencista internacional en más de 80
eventos académicos, contribuyendo y
participando en la educación de más de 6000
profesionales de la salud en América Latina,
Canadá y el Reino Unido, entre otros países.
Así mismo, ha participado en múltiples foros y
paneles internacionales sobre cannabis
medicinal dirigidos a pacientes y familiares.
Además, es co-investigadora en varios
proyectos de investigación que se llevan a
cabo en Canadá, y desarrolló su Taller de
Prescripción Responsable y Segura de
Cannabinoides con el aval académico de la
Escuela de Medicina del Tecnológico de
Monterrey y el Centro Algia para la Educación
en Salud.
Maria Fernanda Arboleda, MD (MEXICO)

Guillermo Arechiga, MD (MEXICO)
Centro Universitario de Ciencias de la Salud, Departamento de Biología Molecular y Genómica, Universidad de Guadalajara
Medicina Paliativa y Medicina del Dolor
Profesor Titular de la Especialidad de Medicina Paliativa y dolor, Universidad de Guadalajara. Coordinador del Equipo Hospitalario de Cuidados Paliativos y Dolor, Hospital General de Occidente, programa consolidado por PNPC de CONACYT
Autor del Capitulo: Distrofia Simpática Refleja. Libro de Manejo del Dolor Ed. Salvat. Dr. J. A. Aldrete 1997.
Autor del Capítulo; Síndrome Tercer Mes. Aldrete JA. Tratado de Angiología:
Autor capítulo: Sistematización de la práctica profesional de Trabajo Social en Clínica del Dolor. Ed Salvat. Dr. J.A Aldrete
Autor del Capítulo Manejo del Dolor Peri-operatorio. Manejo Peri operatorio. Zambrano V Ed JHG 1997
Autor del libro Dolor y Paliación “Recursos en la Medicina Actual”. Febrero de 2001, Editorial Cuellar.
Autor de “Manual práctico del Manejo del Dolor” ISBN en trámite 2004
Autor del Capitulo: Medicina Tradicional y Dolor. Ed Edimplas; 1997
Autor del Capitulo Fibromialgia. 50 años de Tradol en México. Editorial Edimplas, 2005
1.- Efecto del Halotano y enfluorano sobre las Beta-endorfinas plasmáticas en pacientes con cirugía de urgencias. Anestesia en México. 1987
2.- Efecto del Enfluorano sobre la beta-endorfina plasmática en pacientes de urgencia. Anestesia en México, 1988.
3.- Analgesia Inter-pleural en pacientes pediátricos. Anestesia en México; 1992
4.- Premeditación con Midazolam en Niños. Anestesia en México. 1992
5.- Hiperalgesia inducida por Opioides. Sociedad Mexicana de Anestesiología, 2010
6.- Analgesia Multimodal. Sociedad Mexicana de Anestesiología, 2010
7.- Institucionalización del Alivio al Dolor. Revista Anestesiología en México, 2007
8.- Baclofeno para Hipo. Revista Anestesiología en México, 2007
9.- Clínicas del dolor y cuidados paliativos en México: manejo del estreñimiento inducido por opiáceos. Rev Soc Esp Dolor. 2009;16(8):468-481
Conclusiones de un grupo de expertos
10.- Hiperalgesia Inducida por Opioides. Revista Anestesiología en México, 2010.
11.- El Dolor como Enfermedad. Editor Huésped. Revista Anestesia en México
12.- Miembro Fantasma, Dolor de Miembro Fantasma y Muñón doloroso.
13.- Creación del Centro Institucional de Farmacovigilancia en Clínica de
Dolor para Reporte de Reacciones Adversas a Medicamentos. Anestesia en México, Vol.17, Suplemento 1, 2005.en 216 Pacientes Oncológicos Sometidos a Amputación. Anestesia en México, Vol.16, No.4, (Octubre-Diciembre), 2004
14.- Abordaje multimodal para el manejo del dolor agudo. Revista Mexicana de Anestesiología. Volumen 33, Suplemento 1, abril-junio 2010
15.- Dolor agudo peri operatorio. Revista Mexicana de Anestesiología. Volumen 37, Suplemento 1, abril-junio 2014.
16.- ¿Que y como lograr una Unidad de Dolor Agudo Peri-operatorio? Evolución hacia una Unidad de Dolor Agudo. Revista Anestesia en México. Volumen 37, Suplemento 1, abril-junio 2014
Algólogo y Paliativista, egresado del Instituto Nacional de Cancerología
Fundador del Instituto Jalisciense de Alivio al Dolor y Cuidados Paliativos. Organismo Público Desconcentrado, Modelo Nacional y Latinoamericano, fundado para la atención de los enfermos terminales en domicilio
1.- Premio Latinoamericano y del Caribe, 2001 otorgado por la OPS/OMS
2.- Premio por la IAHPC ( International Associattion of Hospice and Palliative Care ) 2001, Por el mejor Modelo de Atención a enfermos Terminales
3.- Premio “Fernando Rodríguez de la Fuente” 1989, Sociedad Mexicana de Anestesiología, México, D.F.
4.- Primer Lugar en Concurso de Tesis. Congreso Mexicano de la Federación Mexicana de Sociedades de Anestesiología 1992, Puebla
5.- Segundo Lugar Nacional Premio a Trabajo de Investigación de la AMETD (Asociación Mexicana Para el Estudio y Tratamiento del Dolor, Veracruz 2008
6.- Primer lugar en Concurso de Capacitación en Cuidados Paliativos del Programa Federal PALIAR, Secretaria de Salud Federal, 2009, México D.F.
7.- Premio IOCIM como el mejor Profesional dentro de su especialidad; por lo máximo Distinción Institucional en Salud: PRIZE TO THE MEDICAL BY ACHIVEMENT FOR A BETTER LIFE (Premio Por los Logros alcanzados para una Mejor Vida), en mérito a su abnegada labor y desempeño profesional, reconociéndolo como Ciudad de Buenos Aires Argentina, 9 de Julio del 2010
8.- Reconocimiento al Mérito Académico en Investigación en Algología otorgado el mes junio 26-30 del 2015 por parte del Colegio Mexicano de Anestesiología e la ciudad de México, del World Trade Center
9.- Primer Lugar en Algología otorgado en Mazatlán, Sinaloa el pasado octubre del 2015, en concurso de cartel por parte de la Asociación Mexicana para el Estudio y Tratamiento del Dolor A.C.
10.- Presea al Mérito Académico Enrique Díaz de León, Presea Especial Fray Antonio Alcalde, otorgado por el Sindicato de Trabajadores Académicos de la Universidad de Guadalajara, 4 de Diciembre del 2015.
11.- Presea a la Innovación en Salud, a los médicos destacados otorgado por el Consejo de Salud, Jalisco y el Gobierno de Jalisco. Casa Jalisco, Octubre 2017.
Guillermo Arechiga, MD (MEXICO)

Douglas Beall, MD, FIPP (USA)
Douglas P. Beall, MD, is board-certified in Diagnostic Radiology, has an added fellowship in Musculoskeletal Radiology, is a Diplomate of the American Academy of Pain Management, and is a Fellow of the Society of Interventional Radiology and Interventional Pain Practice and board-certified by the World Institute of Pain. He is currently in private practice focused on interventional pain management and minimally invasive surgical procedures.
Douglas Beall, MD, FIPP (USA)

Maria Constanza Bedoya, MD (COLOMBIA)
Maria Constanza Bedoya, MD (COLOMBIA)

Tatiana Bravo, MD, FIPP, CIPS (BRAZIL)
- Head of the Pain Management Department of Hospital Primavera in Aracaju – Sergipe.
- Pain Certified by Brazilian Medical Society (AMB).
- Former Pain Intervention fellow at Akdeniz University- Antalya/Turkey
- Former fellow Sint-Jan Hospital – Brugge/Belgium.
- Pain Management Specialization at Singular – Campinas /São Paulo and APM – Goiânia/ Goiás – Brazil
Tatiana Bravo, MD, FIPP, CIPS (BRAZIL)

Danielle Mazetto Cadide, MD (BRAZIL)
Danielle Mazetto Cadide, MD (BRAZIL)

Jose Luiz Campos, MD, FIPP (BRAZIL)
Jose Luiz Campos, MD, FIPP (BRAZIL)

Cesar Carcamo, MD, FIPP (CHILE)
Médico Cirujano Universidad de Chile,
Magister en Anestesiología Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile,
Magister en Salud Pública Universidad de Chile,
Máster en Cuidados Paliativos Universidad de Valladolid España,
Fellow Intervencionista en Dolor FIPP, Estados Unidos.
Staff Unidad Alivio del Dolor y Cuidados Paliativos Hospital del Salvador, Interconsultor Intervencionista en Dolor Clínica Davila, Clínica Santa Maria y FALP.
Cesar Carcamo, MD, FIPP (CHILE)

Cesar Ceballos, MD, FIPP (COLOMBIA)
Anestesiología y Reanimación, Universidad El Bosque, programa Hospital Universitario Fundación Santa Fé de Bogotá, Bogotá D.C.
Especialista en Medicina del Dolor y Cuidados paliativos, Universidad El Bosque, Hospital Universitario Fundación Santa Fé de Bogotá, Bogotá D.C.
World Institute of Pain, Agosto 2015, Budapest, Hungría.
El Dr. César Ceballos se desempeña como anestesiólogo del Hospital Universitario Fundación Santa Fe de Bogotá desde el año 2007. Hace parte, como sub-especialista, de la Clinica del Dolor del Hospital Universitario Fundación Santa Fe de Bogotá enfocado en el manejo (médico e intervencionista) del dolor agudo postoperatorio y del dolor agudo/crónico no oncológico.
Es profesor del programa de Anestesiología y del programa de Medicina del Dolor de la Universidad El Bosque y profesor del programa de medicina de la Universidad de los Andes en la ciudad de Bogotá, Colombia.
Cesar Ceballos, MD, FIPP (COLOMBIA)

Olympio Chacon Neto, MD, FIPP, CIPS (Brazil)
Diplomat American Board of Regenerative Medicine
Head of Pain Medicine and Palliative Care Scientific Task Force of Sao Paulo State Society of Anesthesiology
Olympio Chacon Neto, MD, FIPP, CIPS (Brazil)

George Chang Chien, DO, FIPP, CIPS (USA)
George C. Chang Chien is a physiatrist specializing in interventional pain management with a focus on musculoskeletal medicine and regenerative medicine. He has practices in Southern California and can be reached at www.GCCInstitute.org
George Chang Chien, DO, FIPP, CIPS (USA)

Kenneth B. Chapman, MD, FIPP (USA)
Dr. Kenneth Chapman is the director of pain management at Staten Island University Hospital, part of the Northwell Health System, and is an assistant clinical professor at NYU Langone Medical Center. He completed his Interventional Pain Management Fellowship at the Cleveland Clinic in Cleveland, Ohio, and his Anesthesiology residency at the Columbia Presbyterian Medical Center in New York, New York.
Dr. Chapman directs the fellowship program at the Spine and Pain Institute of NY and is actively involved in teaching and lecturing both nationally and internationally. Dr. Chapman also frequently serves as a pain management Board Examiner for certification on the Fellowship of Interventional Pain Practice Pain Boards. He has won numerous peer validated awards including ‘America’s Best Anesthesiologists’ and ‘Most Compassionate Doctors,’ and was one of the youngest physicians to ever be named as both a NY Times ‘Super Doctor’ and NY Magazine ‘Top Doctor’ when he first received the recognition in 2014. While at the Cleveland Clinic Dr. Chapman also received the “Ethlene R. Smith’s Most Outstanding Fellow” award. He is Vice President of the NYS Interventional Pain Society and on the advisory board to the NYS Worker’s Compensation Board responsible for writing the NYS Worker’s Compensation Guidelines, which all injured workers in the state are treated by.
Dr. Chapman’s interests include translational research pertaining to spinal cord stimulation and dorsal root ganglion stimulation mechanism of action, and studies involving the use of DRG-S to treat conditions traditionally considered to be mechanical pain syndromes.
Kenneth B. Chapman, MD, FIPP (USA)

Claudia Cruz, MD (EL SALVADOR)
Dra. Claudia Cruz Ayala. Especialista en manejo del dolor.
Cirujana General graduada del Hospital Militar Central. | Anestesióloga graduada del Hospital Nacional Rosales. | Manejo Intervencionista del Dolor y Algología graduada de la Universidad de Puerto Rico. | Ejercicio de Anestesia y Manejo del dolor en el Instituto de Neurociencias del Hospital de Diagnóstico. | Manejo del dolor de pacientes con cáncer, padecimientos de la espalda, cefaleas, dolores articulares, entre otros.
Claudia Cruz, MD (EL SALVADOR)

Soraya Cruz Loor, MD, FIPP (ECUADOR)
Soraya Cruz Loor, MD, FIPP (ECUADOR)

Sukdeb Datta, MD (USA)
Dr. Sukdeb Datta is the Founder, CEO, and President of Datta Endoscopic Back Surgery and Pain Center. Under his leadership, the Center has grown to 9 locations serving the states of New York and New Jersey. He is a Diplomat, American Board of Anesthesiology and Diplomat, American Board of Pain Medicine with Subspecialty Certification in Pain Management. He is also certified as FIPP (Fellow of Interventional Pain Practice) and by the American Board of Interventional Pain Physicians as a DABIPP (Diplomat, American Board of Interventional Pain Practice). He is an ASIPP lifetime member. Dr. Datta has served on the Board of Directors of ASIPP for two consecutive terms (2007-2011) and as Secretary of ASIPP from 2011-2013. Executive committee, ASIPP 2017-2021; Treasurer, ASIPP; Vice President, Strategic Affairs 2019-2021, ASIPP; Vice President, Strategic Alliance 2017-2019, ASIPP. He has been intimately involved in different activities of ASIPP such as publishing systematic reviews, being on the editorial board of the Pain Physician journal as well as performing as Faculty on the Cadaver Workshops for the past several years. Dr. Datta also strongly believes in the advocacy arm of ASIPP and has participated actively in the legislative sessions for the past several years. Board of Directors ABIPP; Board of Examiners, ABIPP; Economic and Finance Committee, ASIPP; 2011-Internet and Social Media Committee, ASIPP; 2011-Research Committee, ASIPP; 2014-Committee on Minimally Invasive Endoscopic Spine, ASIPP. He is a two-time winner (2012,2014) of ASIPP “Outstanding Achievement in Research” for work on Endoscopic discectomy and the New Techniques of performance of Cervical Epidural Injection. He was the Section Editor, of Endoscopic Spine, of Pain Physician Journal 2017-2022.
Sukdeb Datta, MD (USA)

Miles Day, MD, FIPP (USA)
Miles R. Day, MD (Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center, Lubbock). Dr. Day is the medical director of The Pain Center at Grace Clinic, pain fellowship program director at Texas Tech, and the Traweek-Racz Endowed Professor in Pain Research in the Department of Anesthesiology at Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center in Lubbock. He is a diplomat of the American Board of Anesthesiology with subspecialty certification in Pain Medicine. He also serves as an examiner for the World Institute of Pain. Previously, he served as the director and associate professor at the Eugene McDermott Center for Pain Management at the UT Southwestern Medical Center in Dallas. He serves on the editorial boards of Pain Practice and Pain Physician. He is the past-president of the Texas Pain Society and past-chair of the Board of Examination for the World Institute of Pain. Dr. Day received his medical degree from Texas A&M University Health Science Center in College Station and completed his general surgery internship at Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center. He completed his anesthesiology residency and pain fellowship at Texas Tech as well. He is the author of numerous articles and book chapters in well-known publications. He has educated physicians globally to further the specialty of interventional pain medicine.
Miles Day, MD, FIPP (USA)

Charles De Oliveira, MD, FIPP, CIPS (BRAZIL)
Dr. Charles Oliveira is the current president of the Brazilian Society of Interventional Pain Physicians (Sobramid), vice-chairman of the Brazilian Section of the World Institute of Pain (WIP), and a member of the FIPP Board of Examination. A board-certified anesthesiologist with years of experience in the fields of anesthesia and interventional pain management of acute and chronic pain, he has also spoken to and taught pain physicians in Brazil and around the world. Dr. Oliveira has trained and taken courses in Spain, Hungary, England, Turkey, the Netherlands, and the US, to name a few. A specialist in fluoroscopy and ultrasound-guided pain interventional procedures, he provides pain care in his private practice and at the Singular Pain Management Center in Campinas, SP, Brazil, which he co-founded in 2009. It was the first multidisciplinary pain clinic in Latin America to become a WIP EPP (Excellence in Pain Practice) award center (2011). His background in continuing pain education includes teaching fellows at his Campinas, São Paulo, pain center and helping to develop a highly regarded year-long training program in Interventional Pain in Brazil, where physicians from all over the country and neighboring Latin American nations come once a month for training during the year. Recently he has also organized hands-on workshops on ultrasound-guided pain interventional procedures. He has co-authored a report in “ASIPP Pain Management Reports” (Skin Burn after SI Denervation following RF Procedures) and a chapter on Genitofemoral Nerve Entrapment: Abdominal) in the pain textbook “Peripheral Nerve Entrapment – Clinical Diagnosis and Management” (Trescot).
Charles De Oliveira, MD, FIPP, CIPS (BRAZIL)

Timothy Deer, MD, FIPP (USA)
Dr. Deer is the world leader in research, product development, and education in the practice of Interventional Spine and Pain treatment. He is the President and CEO of The Spine and Nerve Centers of the Virginias. He is also a Clinical Professor of Anesthesiology at the West Virginia University School of Medicine. Dr. Deer has been a leader in the field of interventional techniques and neuromodulation for more than two decades. His enduring research career has included many pivotal studies to achieve FDA approval and many “first in human” approved devices. Dr. Deer has provided cadaver-based training to over 3000 physicians in novel methods of pain relief to improve function and relieve suffering. His work has led to more than 300 peer-reviewed publications, several book chapters, and many classic textbooks. Dr. Deer has held many national and international society positions including his current roles as the Chairman of the American Society of Pain and Neuroscience, Past President of the International Neuromodulation Society (INS), and President Emeritus of the West Virginia Society of Interventional Pain Physicians (WVSIPP). He is the Past Chairman of the American Society of Anesthesiologists Committee of Pain Medicine and a Charter Member of the West Virginia Controlled Substance Monitoring Program and has been involved in the peer review process to improve the quality of research in the international arena. In addition to his many endeavors in Medicine, Dr. Deer is an accomplished endurance athlete., with accolades including winning the Ultrarunning World Masters Championship in the Badwater 135-mile run in 2021 and competing in the Ironman World Championships in Hawaii on many occasions. Dr. Deer is blessed with a more than 30-year marriage to his wife, Melissa, and has four children.
Timothy Deer, MD, FIPP (USA)

Didier Demesmin MD, MBA (USA)
A double board-certified interventional pain and spine specialist and anesthesiologist, Dr. Didier Demesmin is a leader in treating the full spectrum of various joint and spinal disorders with the most advanced and novel therapies. Dr. Demesmin serves as an expert consultant on emerging technologies in healthcare and is involved in ongoing clinical research to remain at the forefront of medicine. He is an associate program director of the Multidisciplinary Pain Medicine Fellowship program at JFK Johnson Rehabilitation Institute and director of the Pain Medicine Department at Saint Peters University Hospital in New Jersey. He is also an assistant professor at Rutgers RWJ Medical School and has both lectured on and taught minimally invasive surgical procedures nationally and internationally, including as a faculty member for the American Society of Pain and Neuroscience and the Latin American Pain Society. He has written numerous chapters and peer reviewed journal articles focusing on minimally invasive pain procedures, which have been featured in several textbooks and peer reviewed medical journals widely employed by pain physicians worldwide.
MEDICAL TRAINING: Rutgers RWJ Medical School (MD); SUNY Downstate Medical Center (residency); Columbia University/St. Luke’s–Roosevelt Medical Center (fellowship).
Didier Demesmin MD, MBA (USA)

Fabricio Dias Assis, MD, FIPP (BRAZIL)
Fabricio Assis, MD, FIPP is one of the founders of the Brazilian Society of interventional Pain Physicians (SOBRAMID) and its first president from 2013 to 2015. Dr. Assis is involved in lots of educational projects and had trained physicians in interventional pain all over the world in the last 20 years. Twelve years ago, he started a very successful training program in Interventional Pain in Brazil, where physicians from all over the country and neighboring ones from Latin America come once a month a year. This project was replicated in Budapest in 2017 and named Pain School International. Dr. Assis is also one of the directors of the WIP Workshop in Florida. Just founded in 2022, Dr. Assis is the first president of the Latin American Pain Society (LAPS). Dr. Assis became a certified pain specialist at the Universidad de Barcelona, Spain, in 1998. Since that he began his work in interventional pain management and focused his work mainly on chronic pain patients, performing all kinds of procedures. He had participated in courses and traineeships in Hungary, England, Turkey, the Netherlands, the US, and several other countries. In 2007 he became a WIP-certified Fellow of Interventional Pain Practice (FIPP). Today Dr. Assis works at Singular – Pain Management Center, an EPP (Excellence in Pain Practice) Center in Campinas, SP, and is a member of the pain team at Hospital Sao Luiz Itaim, Sao Luiz Morumbi e Vila Nova Star and the Albert Einstein Israelite Hospital, all in São Paulo.
Fabricio Dias Assis, MD, FIPP (BRAZIL)

Médica Cirujana, Anestesióloga, Especialista en Dolor y Cuidados Paliativos e Intervencionismo en Dolor crónico, agudo e Intervencionismo Paliativo con más de 10 años de experiencia.
- Médica y cirujana. Universidad El Bosque . Bogota. Colombia
- Rotación especial Harvard Medical School, Massachussets General Hospital Pain Center. Boston MA. USA. 2007
- Anestesiología y Reanimación. Hospital Simón Bolivar. Universidad El Bosque 2012
- Fellow Dolor y Cuidados Paliativos. Fundación Santa Fe de Bogotá. Universidad el Bosque. 2013
- Miembro Sociedad Colombiana de Anestesiología y Reanimación SCARE
- Miembro WIP World Institute of Pain
Miembro LAPS
- FIPP 2020 Miami. FL, USA. Fellow of Interventional Pain Practice. Certificación como especialista en intervencionismo con guía fluoroscópica en dolor ante WIP
- CIPS 2022. Budapest. Hungría certified interventional Pain Sonologist. Certificación como especialista en intervencionismo con guía ecográfica en dolor ante WIP
- Profesor asociado postgrado Medicina Física y rehabilitación, Universidad El Bosque, Bogotá, Colombia

Rodrigo Diez Tafur, MD, FIPP, CIPS (PERU)
Dr. Díez Tafur did his Pain Medicine Fellowship at McGill University. Alan Edwards Pain Management Unit- Montreal General Hospital, Canada. He is Certified by the World Institute of Pain (WIP) with both, FIPP and CIPS certifications and has an MSc degree in Pain Study and Treatment from Rey Juan Carlos University in Madrid, Spain. He is a BOARD Certified Physiatrist with an Expert Diploma in MSK Ultrasound trained at Severo Ochoa University Hospital in Madrid, Spain. Born and raised in Lima, Perú. Dr. Díez Tafur moved back to Lima in 2018 aiming to provide high standards of care for pain-suffering patients and educate in this field. He is currently leading a private hospital’s pain service and is the Medical Director of two private pain centers in Lima, Peru.
Rodrigo Diez Tafur, MD, FIPP, CIPS (PERU)

Sudhir Diwan. MD, FIPP (USA)
Dr. Sudhir Diwan, nationally and internationally recognized as a key opinion leader in the field of pain management, is the President, Park Avenue Spine and Pain, New York, Associate Clinical Professor at Albert Einstein College of Medicine, New York. Dr. Diwan was the former Director of the Tri-Institutional Pain Fellowship Program and Division of Pain Medicine at Ivy League Weill Medical College of Cornell University for more than a decade, where he also served as associate professor of clinical anesthesiology, and on the faculty at the world-renowned New York Presbyterian Hospital.
Dr. Diwan has published extensively in prestigious peer-reviewed medical journals and medical books on a variety of pain management topics. He is on the Editorial Board for the Pain Physician – an official journal of the American Society of Pain Physicians (ASIPP) since 2008, and Pain Practice – official journal of the World Institute of Pain (WIP) since 2009. He was invited as Guest Editor for the Journal of Techniques in Regional Anesthesia and Pain Management 2009. Dr. Diwan is the Examiner for the Certification Board for American Board of Interventional Pain Physicians (ABIPP) and Fellow of Interventional Pain Practice (FIPP) offered by the World Institute of Pain. Dr. Diwan is Co-Editor of Intrathecal Drug Delivery for Pain and Spasticity, Vol 2, Timothy Deer, Series Editor, Elsevier-Saunders 2012, and Co-Editor for Diwan-Staats’s Atlas of Pain Medicine Procedures, McGraw Hill Education 2015, and Advanced Procedures for Pain Management, A step-by-step Atlas, Springer US, 2018.
In addition to his busy pain management practice in New York City, Dr. Diwan lectures extensively and interacts regularly with experts in the field of pain medicine nationally and internationally. He has been guest speaker for many noteworthy organizations including the American Society of Interventional Pain Physicians (ASIPP), and State Societies Pain Meetings, the World Institute of Pain, NANS, INS, and numerous International pain specialty societies and congresses nationally and internationally. Currently, he is Executive Director of NYSIPP and Course Chairman of the Annual NYSIPP/NJSIPP Pain Medicine Symposium, and President of ASIPP.
Sudhir Diwan. MD, FIPP (USA)

Neil Dougherty (USA)
Vice President of Business Development
Neil’s entire career has been spent in medical device sales. He graduated from Texas Christian University’s Neeley School of Business with a degree in Finance. While in school he played Division I basketball. Neil grew his sales skill set with some of the most respected medical device companies in the world. Companies, for instance, like Stryker, Medtronic, Vertiflex, and Boston Scientific. Neil was one of the early hires at Vertiflex. He helped scale the company to its ultimate acquisition by Boston Scientific.
Neil does not hold back in expressing his appreciation for his work history and experiences. Neil articulates, “I’ve had great success and accelerated growth in my career because people believed in me, held me accountable, and invested in me. Spinal Simplicity and the amazing energy surrounding the Minuteman procedure presents an incredible opportunity for me to pay it forward in building the best sales force in the industry.”
Neil resides in Fort Worth, Texas and is married with two young children. He recharges with family time, exercise and watching sports. Neil readily admits that he is an atrocious golfer, but is willing to commit to lessons after creating nationwide access to the Minuteman procedure.
Neil Dougherty (USA)

Brian Durkin, DO (USA)
Dr. Brian Durkin is the Medical Director of the Pain Institute of Long Island and leads the team toward the highest quality pain care available. He has been a leader in this field for the last decade and is relentless in his pursuit to provide the most up-to-date pain treatments on Long Island. Dr. Durkin is often “the first” to introduce a new treatment option to either Suffolk County or Long Island. He performed the first MILD procedure in Suffolk County in 2010. He performed the first Nevro HF-10 high-frequency spinal cord stimulator trials and implants on Long Island in 2015. He performed the first Dorsal Root Ganglion (DRG) spinal cord stimulator trials and implants in Suffolk County in 2016 and was the first physician to offer the Vertiflex option for spinal stenosis in 2017. In August 2018, Dr. Durkin became the first physician in New York and the Northeast part of the USA to perform the Intracept Procedure for patients suffering from chronic low back pain. Dr. Durkin attended medical school near his hometown at Midwestern University in Glendale, Arizona, and graduated in 2001. He moved east for his training and completed his internship at UMDNJ in Stratford, New Jersey in 2002, before moving to Long Island and completing his residency in anesthesiology at Stony Brook University in 2005. He then completed his fellowship in pain medicine at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, Hospital for Special Surgery, and New York Presbyterian-Cornell in 2006. He was recruited back to Stony Brook University as an Assistant Professor of Anesthesiology where he began treating patients with interventional pain management. He became the Director of the Center for Pain Management and Division Chief of Chronic Pain in 2009. He was promoted to Associate Professor in 2012. Dr. Durkin left Stony Brook University in 2015 to establish the Pain Institute of Long Island. Dr. Durkin is involved in several national and international pain societies and is currently the President of the New York Society of Interventional Pain Physicians.
Brian Durkin, DO (USA)

Regina Espinoza Marian, MD (Mexico)
La Dra. Regina Espinoza Marian es egresada de la Universidad de Sonora. Posteriormente se especializó en Anestesiología en la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. Atiende a sus pacientes en la Clínica del Noroeste en la ciudad de Hermosillo, Sonora.
Regina Espinoza Marian, MD (Mexico)

Amelie Falconi, MD (Brazil)
Amelie Falconi, MD (Brazil)

Samuel Fraijo Flores, MB (Mexico)
Samuel Fraijo Flores, MB (Mexico)

Jose A. Flores Cantisani, MD (Mexico)
Jose A. Flores Cantisani, MD (Mexico)

Tiago Freitas, MD, PhD, FIPP (BRAZIL)
Dr.Tiago da Freitas graduated in medicine from the Federal University of Goiás (UFG). Medical Residency in Neurosurgery by the Hospital de Base Federal District completed recognized by the MEC and the Brazilian Society of Neurosurgery (SBN). Dr.Tiago da Freitas has a specialization in Functional Neurosurgery at Hospital das Clínicas da USP. Specialization in Functional Neurosurgery, pain management and movement disorders, held at the Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Ohio, USA. He is a Founder and coordinator of the Brasilia Neuromodulation Invasive pain course – INDOR , a course endorsed by INS(INternational Neuromodulation Society), Master in Health Sciences from the University of Brasilia(Unb) Doctorate in Health Sciences from the University of Brasília(Unb)Title of area of expertise in pain by the Brazilian Medical Association(AMB) Coordinator of LADOR- Federal District Academic Pain League Coordinator of the pos-graduation pain course from Sirio-Libanes Hospital Former President of the Brazilian Society of Neuromodulation, Brazilian Chapter of INS(International Neuromodulation Society) Midwestern Regional Representative of the Brazilian Society for the Study of Pain(SBED) Member of the editorial board of Neurotarget issue Fellow Interventional Pain Procedures- World Institute of Pain.
Tiago Freitas, MD, PhD, FIPP (BRAZIL)

Paulo Renato Fonseca, MD
Brazilian doctor, registered with CREMERJ: 52.46874-4 and CREMESP: 197670.
Anesthesiologist with a specialization in Pain Management (CAAD – AMB/SBA).
MBA in Health Management from FGV.
Fellow of Interventional Pain Practice – FIPP/WIP.
Founding member of LAPS and member of the Radiofrequency/Cryoneurolysis Committee.
Director of Relationships and Coordinator of the OrthoDor course at sinpain College.
Former President of the Brazilian Society for the Study of Pain (SBED) 2020/2021.
Former President of the Brazilian Society of Interventional Pain Physicians (SOBRAMID) 2018/2019.
Former President of the Pain Brazil Institute 2022-2024.
Paulo Renato Fonseca, MD

Germán Gajardo Dolci, MD (Mexico)
Germán Gajardo Dolci, MD (Mexico)

Christopher Gilligan, MD, FIPP (USA)
Christopher J. Gilligan, M.D. is the Chief of the Division of Pain Medicine at the Department of Anesthesiology, Perioperative and Pain Medicine of Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston, MA.
Medical School: Yale University, 1996
Residency: Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Surgery, 1998; Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Emergency Medicine, 2007
Fellowship: Massachusetts General Hospital, Anesthesia/Pain Medicine Fellowship, 2008
Certifications: Emergency Medicine, 2008; Pain Medicine, 2009
Clinical Interests: Back pain; cancer pain
Dr. Gilligan’s original training is in Emergency Medicine, with subspecialty training in Pain Medicine, where he has focused on pain of spinal origin. Dr. Gilligan’s clinical expertise is focused on the treatment of pain related to disorders of the spine. He also treats patients with a wide range of pain conditions, including cancer-related pain, complex regional pain syndrome, and post-herpetic neuralgia. Dr. Gilligan’s research focuses on clinical trials of new interventions, devices, and medications for the treatment of pain.
Christopher Gilligan, MD, FIPP (USA)

Lisbeth Esther Godinez Ortiz MD, Msc (GUATEMALA)
Lisbeth Esther Godinez Ortiz MD, Msc (GUATEMALA)

Rudy Gottschalk, MD
Rudy Gottschalk, MD

Carlos Guerrero, MD, FIPP (COLOMBIA)
Anesthesiologist and pain specialist with over 20 years of uninterrupted clinical and teaching experience at Fundacion Santa Fe in Bogota, Colombia. Associate Professor at University El Bosque and University of Los Andes in Bogota. Former Director of the Specialization Program in Pain Management and Palliative Care at University El Bosque. Fellow in Interventional Pain Practice at the World Institute of Pain (WIP). President of the Quality in Medical Care Committee at Fundacion Santa Fe in Bogota. Former President and current Treasurer of the Colombian chapter of the World Institute of Pain (WIP), and founding member and current Treasurer of the Latin American Pain Society (LAPS)
Carlos Guerrero, MD, FIPP (COLOMBIA)

Carolina Hernandez Porras, MD, FIPP, CIPS (MEXICO)
Dr. Carolina Hernández-Porras graduated as an anesthesiologist and specialized in cancer anesthesia, pain medicine, and interventional pain management at the National Cancer Institute (NCI) of Mexico, she also has a Master in Clinical Trials. She is certificated as FIPP and CIPS by the World Institute of Pain. She works as Associate Professor of the Fellow Interventional Pain Management by UNAM at the NCI in Mexico City and has participated in several chapters written in Spanish, English, and Portuguese, and edited a book in Cancer Pain in 2017 she also a member of the editor board of Pain Physician Journal.
Carolina Hernandez Porras, MD, FIPP, CIPS (MEXICO)

Manuel Herrero, MD, FIPP, CIPS (SPAIN)
Dr. Manuel Herrero is board certified in anesthesiology and pain management. He completed his anesthesia training at Severo Ochoa Hospital, Madrid, and continued his specialization in pain management at Ciudad Real Hospital with his mentor and recognized pain physician, Dr. Joaquin Insausti. He is also certified interventional pain sonologist (CIPS), fellow of interventional pain practice (FIPP) and European diploma in pain medicine (EDPM). Currently working in Madrid at Puerta de Hierro Majadahonda Hospital, and managing the Cancer Pain multidisciplinary Unit at HM Sanchinarro Hospital. He is a regular trainer in his country using fluoroscopy and ultrasound guided minimally invasive interventional pain procedures, and honorary tutor of the Master of Pain treatment by the Rey Juan Carlos University.
Manuel Herrero, MD, FIPP, CIPS (SPAIN)

Ale Ismael Gonzales, MD, FIPP (MEXICO)
Universidad Juárez del Estado de Durango ( UJED)
- 584770
Ced. Prof. 8854318
Centro Medico del Noreste UMAE 25
Universidad de Monterrey (udem) 2011-2014
Hospital General de México (HGM) “Dr. Eduardo Liceaga”
UNAM, CDMX (2014-2015)
Hospital General de México (HGM) “Dr. Eduardo Liceaga”
UNAM, CDMX (2015-2016)
Instituto Nacional de Cancerología (INCAN)
UNAM, CDMX (2016-2017)
Master en ultrasonido Musculoesqueletic Por la universidad de CARDENAL DE HERRERA en ESPAÑA.
Actualmente desarrollando la maestria en ADMINISTRACION HOSPITALARIA. Por parte del IESAP.
Socio fundador de CLINICA ALIVE en la ciudad de MEXICO .
Profesor asociado de la materia de ALGOLOGIA en el programa academica de la carrera de medicina de La UNAM
Certificacion internacional por la WIP( WORLD INSTITUTE OF PAIN) FIPP , MIAMI FLORIDA febrero del 2020
Profesor Titular y adjunto del diplomado de INTERVENCIONISMO EN DOLOR (AVALADO POR LA UNIVERSIDAD PANAMERICANA) AMETD 2019 hasta La fecha
8 Publicaciones como autor y coautor , tanto nacionales como internacionales
Colaborador como coautor en 3 LIBROS relacionados con el manejo del dolor
Miembro de la asociacion MEXICANA PARA ESTUDIO Y TRATAMIENTO DEL DOLOR como TESORERO del 2019. Hasta la fecha.
Ale Ismael Gonzales, MD, FIPP (MEXICO)

Manoel Jacobsen Teixeira, MD, PhD (BRAZIL)
Prof Manoel Jacobsen Teixeira , Studied in the Division of Neurosurgery, University of Sao Paulo School of Medicine, Sao Paulo, Brazil. Research interests are Brain Tumors. International experience includes various programs, contributions and participation in different countries for diverse fields of study.
Manoel Jacobsen Teixeira, MD, PhD (BRAZIL)

Juan Miguel Jimenez Andrade, MD (MEXICO)
Dr. Juan Miguel Jimenez-Andrade received a PhD Degree in Pharmacology at the Center for Research and Advanced Studies in Mexico City. He performed postdoctoral studies with Dr. Patrick Mantyh at the Neurosystems Center, University of Minnesota. Posteriorly, he obtained a position as Research Assistant Professor at The Department of Pharmacology at The University of Arizona from 2007 until 2012. Since 2012 Dr. Jimenez-Andrade is a Professor at the Universidad Autónoma de Tamaulipas in Reynosa, Tamaulipas, Mexico. Jimenez-Andrade’s lab investigates the neurobiological mechanisms that regulate bone pain and bone loss in different diseases such as cancer, rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes, and osteoporosis so that therapies can be developed to reduce bone deterioration, bone pain and promote bone health. The experimental approach of the laboratory includes behavioral analysis of pain, densitometric analysis as well as techniques of immunohistochemistry and confocal laser microscopy.
Juan Miguel Jimenez Andrade, MD (MEXICO)

Kyla Jones (Mexico)
Kyla Jones is responsible for the Health Economics and Reimbursement program at Medtronic for Northern LatAm. Specifically, her role involves guiding HEOR strategies and developing robust value propositions to achieve reimbursement and develop markets. Prior to Medtronic, Kyla spent 8 years in consulting, with a focus on health economic modelling, pricing and market access, and health system policy.
Kyla has a MSc in International Health Policy from the London School of Economics and Political Science.
La Mtra. Kyla Jones es responsable del Programa de Economía de la Salud y Reembolso de Medtronic para el Norte de LatAm. Específicamente, su rol implica guiar las estrategias de HEOR y desarrollar propuestas de valor sólidas para lograr el reembolso y desarrollar el mercado. Antes de Medtronic, Kyla trabajó 8 años en consultoría, con un enfoque en modelos económicos de salud, acceso al mercado, y análisis de precios y políticas del sistema de salud.
Kyla cuenta con una maestría en International Health Policy de la London School of Economics and Political Science.
Kyla Jones (Mexico)

Daniel Jorge, MD, MSc (BRAZIL)
Orthopedist and Traumatologist
Spine specialist by IOT – USP
Post Graduated in Regenerative Medicine by Orthoregen International Course/Unimax.
Board Certified by the American Academy of Regenerative Medicine.
International internship conducted in Udine, Italy (Università degli Studi di Udine) and in Marina Del Rey, California (USA).
Full member of the Brazilian Spine Society – SBC and the North American Spine Society – NASS Member of the Brazilian Society of Orthopedics and Traumatology – SBOT.
Coordinator of the Radiofrequency Committee of the SBED – Brazilian Society for the Study of Pain.
Researcher in the IOT-Medical School of USP in Musculoskeletal System Sciences Orthoregen International Course Professor.
Daniel Jorge, MD, MSc (BRAZIL)

Ángel Juárez, MD, CIPS (MEXICO)
-President of Asociación Mexicana para el Estudio y Tratamiento del Dolor “AMETD”.
– Associate Professor in the Pain Management Department of the Instituto Nacional de Cancerología.
– Medical Director of Alive Pain Clinic.
-Professor of Interventional Pain Management Diploma at Panamerican University , AMETD and Professor of Pain Management and Palliative Care Diploma at Chiapas University.
-Certified by ASRA and WIP in Ultrasound guided Pain Management interventional procedures.
Ángel Juárez, MD, CIPS (MEXICO)

Leonardo Kapural, MD, PhD, FIPP (USA)
Leonardo Kapural, M.D., Ph.D. is a Pain Physician at the Carolinas Pain Institute and Center for Clinical Research. He is also a member of the clinical faculty of Wake Forest University, School of Medicine. Dr. Kapural served as a Professor of Anesthesiology at the Cleveland Clinic Lerner College of Medicine of Case Western University and Wake Forest University over the last 15 years. Dr. Kapural’s interests include spinal cord stimulation, discogenic low back pain, and visceral abdominal and pelvic pain. Dr. Kapural is an active member of a number of professional organizations including the American Society of Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine, North American and International Neuromodulation Societies, and the World Institute of Pain. In addition, he is an invited speaker to many national and international meetings. He served as Director-At-Large of the American Academy of Pain Medicine and International Neuromodulation Society, and currently is the Director-At-Large of the North American Neuromodulation Society. Dr. Kapural’s experience is broad and encompasses teaching and clinical education, extensive research, and innovations in the area of pain treatments which brought him two Innovator Awards. His noteworthy research findings have been published in more than 160 journal articles, more than 200 abstracts, two books, and 35 book chapters. He is listed by his peers in the “Best Doctors in America”.
Leonardo Kapural, MD, PhD, FIPP (USA)

Gabriela Lauretti, MD, MSc, PhD, FIPP (BRAZIL)
Gabriela Lauretti, MD, MSc, PhD, FIPP (BRAZIL)

Sean Li, MD, FIPP (USA)
Sean Li, M.D. specializes in interventional pain management. His clinical interest is in neuromodulation therapy such as spinal cord stimulation, high-frequency stimulation, dorsal root ganglion stimulation, and peripheral nerve stimulation. Prior to joining National Spine & Pain Centers, Dr. Li served as the medical director of Premier Pain Centers LLC. In addition to his work at National Spine & Pain Centers, Dr. Li continues to serve as an attending physician at Jersey Shore University Medical Center in Neptune, NJ, and Riverview Medical Center in Red Bank, NJ. Dr. Li serves on the Education Committee and Young Neuromodulators Committee at the International Neuromodulation Committee (INS), is a director at large for the American Society of Pain and Neuroscience (ASPN), and is the current president of the New Jersey Society of Interventional Pain Physicians (NJSIPP). Dr. Li earned his medical degree from the State University of New York at Stony Brook and underwent residency training in general surgery at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN, and later in anesthesiology at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, MI. He completed his fellowship in interventional pain medicine at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, MD.
Sean Li, MD, FIPP (USA)

Dr. Thom Lobe was born and raised in Baltimore, Maryland. It was during his early childhood that Dr. Lobe developed his life-long interest in learning about the complexities of medicine as well as its abilities to transform lives. He credits this to his battle with Legg-Calve’-Perthes, a disease of the hip which is still poorly understood today. The disease exposed him to a diverse range of doctors and hospitals, exposure an average child never acquires so early on in life. Not only did this experience ignite Dr. Lobe’s passion for the sciences, it also taught him patience and persistence for he had to learn how to walk again at the age of 5.
Dr. Lobe remained in the sciences and completed his undergrad in zoology at The George Washington University. His medical school years were spent at the University of Maryland, Johns Hopkins, The University of Pennsylvania, and Harvard. He graduated Cum Laude from University of Maryland School of Medicine and received many additional honors for his distinguished studies.
Dr. Lobe completed his General Surgery training at The Ohio State University Hospitals and his Pediatric Surgery Training at The Children’s Hospital in Columbus, Ohio (now called Nationwide Children’s Hospital). From there he took his first academic position at the University of Texas Medical Branch in Galveston, Texas where he served as Chief of Service for 8 years and developed one of the earliest programs applying laser therapy to children’s disease. During that same time he worked as an attending surgeon at the Shriner’s Burns Hospital where he acquired a great understanding of advanced nutrition, metabolism, hormone therapy, skin care and regenerative wound healing.
Recognized early in his career for his remarkable work, Dr. Lobe was recruited to the University of Tennessee Health Sciences Center in Memphis to develop and lead the first pediatric surgery residency-training program in the Mid-South. During his 20 years in Memphis he trained over 40 surgeons from both the United States and around the world, many of whom stand as leaders in their field today. In addition to leading the residency-training program, Dr. Lobe was the Chief of Pediatric Surgery at Saint Jude Children’s Research Hospital. There he continued to be an integral part of many innovations and advances in cancer care. One of his most recognized advances was his development of minimally invasive surgery for children in conjunction with the development of one of the leading programs in the country dedicated to perfecting the new method of surgery. Dr. Lobe was then recruited to Iowa to lead an advanced minimally invasive and robotics surgery program once more.
Over the years, Dr. Lobe’s strong interests in nutrition, metabolism, wound care, and regenerative medicine continued to expand. He is recognized internationally in his field and has been honored with lifetime achievement awards on three continents. Dr. Lobe has over 250 peer-reviewed articles, abstracts, and books to his credit. He continues to lecture and teach around the world and has completed his advanced fellowship, receiving his boards in anti-aging, regenerative and functional medicine.
Dr Lobe is currently a Professor of Clinical Surgery at the University of Illinois – Chicago.

Camila Lobo Ferreira, MD, CIPS (BRAZIL)
Dra Camila Lobo é paraense, formou-se em medicina pela Universidade Estadual Do Pará, aonde recebeu o prêmio de melhor aluna da turma pelo seu desempenho acadêmico durante o curso.
Após concluir a graduação, mudou-se para São Paulo aonde seguiu um longo caminho para uma formação sólida e de excelência… Justamente esta formação de excelência, somados à sua enorme dedicação, lhe fez adquirir destaque no cenário Nacional e Internacional.
Fez residência em Anestesiologia no IAMSPE (Hospital do Servidor Público de São Paulo)
Após concluir esta etapa, fez residência em Dor na UNIFESP (Universidade Federal de São Paulo), uma das universidades mais respeitadas do País.
Em seguida, continuou sua formação com mais dois anos de Fellowship em Intervenção em Dor na Singular, centro de controle de Dor reconhecido mundialmente e pioneiro em trazer tratamentos minimamente invasivos para o Brasil.
Ao final de toda sua longa formação, totalizou 6 anos de residência médica, sendo 3 anos voltados apenas ao estudo da Dor para tratar com excelência a complexidade que é um paciente de dor crônica.
Tem área de atuação em Dor e Título Internacional de Intervenção em Dor guiadas por Ultrassonografia (Certified Interventional Pain Sonologist -CIPS), tendo sido a mulher mais jovem do mundo a obter este título.
Hoje integra a Diretoria Executiva da LAPS (Sociedade Latino Americana de Dor), o Comitê de Síndrome da Dor Complexa Regional da SBDE (Sociedade Brasileira para Estudo da Dor) e o comitê de Medicina Regenerativa da LAPS.
Camila Lobo Ferreira, MD, CIPS (BRAZIL)

Karla Madrigal, MD, FIPP (MEXICO)
Anesthesiology, Hospital Civil de Guadalajara “Fray Antonio Alcalde”,
Universidad de Guadalajara, 2003-2006, Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico.
Pain Medicine, Instituto Nacional de Ciencias Medicas y Nutricion
“Salvador Zubiran”, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, 2006-
2007, Mexico City.
Fellow of Interventional Pain Practice, FIPP, World Institute of Pain,
Miami, Fl. 2020.
Anesthesia and pain practice at Centro Medico Puerta de Hierro
Andares, Zapopan, Jalisco, México.
Karla Madrigal, MD, FIPP (MEXICO)

Carlos Marcelo De Barros, MD, PhD, FIPP (BRAZIL)
Pain Physician, Anesthesiologist and Palliative Care.
Scientific Director of the Brazilian Society for Pain Studies – SBED (2022-3).
PhD in Pharmaceutical Sciences.
Scientific Director of Sinpain S.A.
Fellow of Interventional Pain Practice by WIP (World Institute of Pain), FIPP.
Chief Editor of the Oncologic Pain Treaty, Editora Atheneu.
Professor of Anesthesiology, Pain and Palliative Care – Faculty of Medicine – Federal University of Alfenas.
Carlos Marcelo De Barros, MD, PhD, FIPP (BRAZIL)

André Mansano, MD, PhD, FIPP (BRAZIL)
André Mansano, MD, PhD, FIPP (BRAZIL)

Jesus Medina, MD, CIPS (MEXICO)
Dr Jesus Medina is a Certified Interventional Pain Sonologist (CIPS) and Former President of Sociedad Mexicana de Ultrasonido en Dolor (SMUD). Dr Medina earned his Medical Degree from the Autonomous University of Guadalajara College of Medicine in Guadalajara, Mexico, and specialized in Anesthesiologist and Pain Management and Palliative Medicine from the University of Guadalajara (CUCS). He’s been dedicated to his practice for more than 10 years, and opt for non-surgical treatments, when indicated, before considering the option of surgery.
Jesus Medina, MD, CIPS (MEXICO)

Renier Mendez, MD, FIPP (PUERTO RICO)
Nacido en Puerto Rico. Estudia medicina en la Universidad d Navarra Pamplona España. Hace su entrenamiento en Anestesia en el Recinto de Ciencias Medicas de la Escuela de Medicina de Puerto Rico cual completa en 1980. Se dedica el dolor desde 1980. Obtiene su FIPP en 2005. Participa con el WIP desde entonces.
CEO de la Academia de Dolor de Puerto Rico
Director Medico de Advance Pain Management and Rehabilitation Institute desde 2004 hasta el presente
Renier Mendez, MD, FIPP (PUERTO RICO)

Audrey Moldenhauer (Brazil)
Audrey Moldenhauer is a skilled professional with a background in nursing and extensive experience in the healthcare industry. With a focus on product management and marketing, Audrey has worked in various roles such as Marketing Supervisor, Product Manager, and Clinical Studies & Medical Affairs Coordinator. Audrey’s expertise spans across marketing strategies, scientific events coordination, product portfolio management, and training initiatives. With a strong educational background including an Executive MBA in Administration, Business, and Marketing, Audrey is well-equipped to excel in their role as LATAM Product Manager at Avanos Medical.
Audrey Moldenhauer (Brazil)

Bilena Molina, MD, FIPP (COLOMBIA)
Profesor Titular Algología Intervencionista (universidad Militar, Universidad Sabana, Universidad sanitas) en el Instituto Nacional de Cancerología Socia
Bilena Molina, MD, FIPP (COLOMBIA)

Carlos Monroy, MD (MEXICO)
Carlos Monroy, MD (MEXICO)

Flor Montenegro, MD (PERU)
Flor Montenegro, MD (PERU)

Francisco Morato Abreu, MD, FIPP (BRAZIL)
Doctor from the Federal University of Uberlândia
Anesthesiology residency (MEC/SBA) at CET Hospital Santa Genoveva de Uberlândia
Fellow in interventional pain medicine at the Singular Pain Control Center in Campinas and São Paulo
Fellow Interventional Pain Practice (FIPP) by the World Institute of Pain (WIP)
Former coordinator of the Postgraduate course in interventional pain medicine PainMaster at Sinpain College
Professor of postgraduate studies in interventional pain medicine at Einstein and UsMaster at Sinpain
Francisco Morato Abreu, MD, FIPP (BRAZIL)

Annu Navani, MD, FIPP (USA)
Dr. Annu Navani is the Chief Medical Officer of Boomerang Healthcare, the leader in interventional and multidisciplinary spine, musculoskeletal, and orthopedic care. Boomerang is a large multispecialty group practice with 350 medical providers that operates via multiple state of the art centers in Northern and Southern California and Nevada.
Dr. Navani is an Adjunct Clinical Associate Professor at Division of Pain, Stanford University School of Medicine. She also serves as an Advisor to Le Reve Regenerative Wellness, the center for cutting edge restorative and regenerative solutions for clinical applications and research.
Dr. Navani completed her Anesthesiology residency from Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee and Fellowship in Pain Medicine from the University of California, Davis. She is board certified in Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine by American Board of Anesthesiology, in Interventional Pain by American Board of Interventional Pain Physicians, Fellow of Interventional Pain Practice and in Regenerative Medicine by American Board of Regenerative Medicine and American Board of Interventional Pain Physicians.
She sits on the Editorial board of the journal, Pain Physician and serves on the board of the American Society of Interventional Pain Physicians, California Society of Industrial Medicine and Surgery and California Society of Interventional Pain Physicians. She is the recipient of the Outstanding Achievement Award from the American Association of Interventional Pain Physicians, The American Association of Physicians of Indian Origin and The Postgraduate Assembly in Anesthesiology.
She has extensive publications in the field of Interventional spine and Regenerative medicine and has contributed via several peer reviewed journal articles, visionary editorials and book chapters. Her book, “Essentials of Regenerative Medicine” is first in its right illustrating latest interventional techniques in spine and musculoskeletal interventions. She has also been instrumental in authoring several National Guidelines including the ones on Opioids, Interventional Spine Epidural procedures, Facet joints, and Biologics in Lumbar spine.
Her vision is to forward the field of Interventional Pain and Regenerative Medicine by using technological innovations to improve access, decrease health care costs and maximize quality and efficacy.
Annu Navani, MD, FIPP (USA)

Victor Pacheco, MD, FIPP (BRAZIL)
Victor Pacheco, MD, FIPP (BRAZIL)

Juan Pablo Paladino, MD, FIPP (ARGENTINA)
Juan Pablo Paladino, MD, FIPP (ARGENTINA)

Mariana Palladini, MD (BRAZIL)
Mariana Palladini, MD (BRAZIL)

Jen-Li Pan, MD (TAIWAN)
Dr Jen-Li Pan is a board-certified CIPS and PM&R physician who has devoted 25 years of medical career to Regenerative, Ultrasound-guided Interventional Pain Medicine. Dr Pan specializes in systemic thinking in developing his release-regenerate coupling (R2C) strategy based on the biotensegrity theory. He is currently the editor-in-chief of the Global Pain Practice online discussion group.
Jen-Li Pan, MD (TAIWAN)

Arpit Patel, DO, FIPP (USA)
Dr. Arpit Patel started Excel Pain and Spine in order to create a multidisciplinary, patient-centric practice to treat a wide range of acute and chronic pain syndromes. Dr. Patel is double board-certified in Interventional Pain Medicine and Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (PM&R). He is an expert in all aspects of pain medicine and utilizes evidence-based, minimally invasive treatments to help patients manage their pain.
Dr. Patel earned top honors and graduated from Virginia College of Osteopathic Medicine in Blacksburg, Virginia. He went on to complete residency training in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation at NUMC, where he was selected as Chief Resident. He completed his training at the ACGME accredited Interventional Pain Medicine Fellowship at the University of South Florida Morsani School of Medicine and was voted by the faculty as “Fellow of the Year.”
Dr. Patel incorporates a wide range of fluoroscopic and ultrasound-guided spinal and peripheral nerve injections, joint injections, radiofrequency ablation, spinal cord stimulation, peripheral nerve stimulation, kyphoplasty/vertebroplasty, intrathecal drug delivery systems, cancer pain management, complex headache/facial pain management, and regenerative medicine treatments.
Dr. Patel is active in many diverse national and international pain societies and enjoys teaching advanced interventional pain and spine procedures. He serves as an Assistant Professor for the Department of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation at the University of Central Florida as well as an Assistant Clinical Professor for the University of South Florida’s Pain Medicine fellowship. He continues to incorporate academic level medicine in the outpatient setting.
Arpit Patel, DO, FIPP (USA)

Nilesh Patel, MD, MBA (USA)
Dr. Patel intends to spend the next decade on using his deep pain management experience and his extensive network to decrease painful suffering, bringing leading-edge solutions to our communities.
Dr. Patel completed his medical training in the United Kingdom, followed by residency in Anesthesiology at Case Western Reserve University where he served as chief resident. Thereupon he completed his fellowship in pain management at the Cleveland Clinic Foundation where he was also on staff. He also has an executive MBA from the Kellogg MBA program at Northwestern University in Chicago.
As a National and International lecturer, Dr. Patel has served as a teacher and mentor in academic settings. He has lectured at multiple prestigious academic programs including University London, Cleveland Clinic, Johns Hopkins, Harvard, Mayo Clinic, and University Michigan, annual pain societies meetings in the US and abroad, including: American Society of Anesthesiology, American Society of Regional Anesthesia, World Institute Pain, and Society for Spine Interventions, American Society of Interventional Pain Physicians. Teaching and mentoring spanned across 72 countries. As well, publication of 39 original research studies in leading Journals of Pain Medicine. Active, current research interests are spinal stimulation and radiofrequency neurotomies to address unmet market needs. in the fields of pain and orthopedics. Decreasing overdose and death from prescription opiates while maintaining legitimate access and balancing risks with rewards. Also actively engaged and spearheading legislative and community initiatives on alternatives to opiates and implementation of practical solutions to decrease the opiate burden, and the associated overdoses and deaths. Working to provide holistic approaches to decrease recidivism and facilitate rehabilitation and self-sufficiency amongst those afflicted with prescription drug violations.
Nilesh Patel, MD, MBA (USA)

Diana Perez Moreno, MD. MSc. ESP. FIPP (COLOMBIA)
Soy Médica; Posteriormente estudie:
1.Epidemiología Clínica;
2.Anestesiología y Reanimación;
3.Especialidad en Medicina del Dolor y Cuidado Paliativo;
4.Alta Especialidad en Manejo Intervencionista del Dolor de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México en alianza con el Instituto Nacional de Cancerología México UNAM-INCAN.
Certificada como:
5.FIPP Fellow of Interventional Pain Practice entregado por el World Institute of Pain – WIP E.U. 2019. Con formación docente universitaria hice la
6.Maestría en Educación Médica;
Actualmente me formo como Especialista en Bioética.
Trabajo como especialista en dolor, cuidados paliativos y manejo intervencionista del dolor en Bogotá Colombia.
I’m doctor; Later I studied:
1.Clinical Epidemiology;
2.Anesthesiology and Resuscitation;
3.Specialty in Pain Medicine and Palliative Care;
4.High Specialty in Interventional Pain Management of the National Autonomous University of Mexico in alliance with the National Institute of Cancerology Mexico UNAM-INCAN.
Certified as:
- FIPP Fellow of Interventional Pain Practice awarded by the World Institute of Pain – WIP E.U. 2019. With university teaching training I did the
- Master of Medical Education.
I am currently training as a Bioethics Specialist.
Iwork as a specialist in pain, palliative care and interventional pain management in Bogotá Colombia.
Diana Perez Moreno, MD. MSc. ESP. FIPP (COLOMBIA)

Juan de la Cruz Pineda, MD, FIPP (MEXICO)
Egresado de la Universidad Popular Autónoma del Estado de Puebla Médico Cirujano
Anestesiologo egresado del CMN La Raza avalado por la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
Medicina del Dolor egresado del Instituto Nacional de Cancerología Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
Medicina Paliativa Master Cuidados continuos. Tratamiento de soporte y cuidados paliativos Universidad de Cataluña, España.
Regional Anesthesia, Acute Pain, Cancer Pain Interventional Management en Montreal General Hospital, McGill University, Montreal Qc, Canada
Certificado por el World Institute of Pain (WIP) como Fellow of Interventional Pain Practice.
Staff de Médicos Especialistas del Hospital Aranda de la Parra.
Mesa directiva de la AMETD 2020-2022
Y 2022-2024
Miembro de la Sociedad Mexicana de Ultrasonido en Dolor (SMUD)
Coordinador de cursos de Medicina del Dolor, Cuidados Paliativos e Intervencionismo en Dolor certificados por la Universidad de Guanajuato.
Publicaciones nacionales e internacionales en manejo de dolor agudo Postoperatorio, crónico y oncológico, así como anestesia regional e intervencionismo en dolor.
Juan de la Cruz Pineda, MD, FIPP (MEXICO)

Annie Pinto, MD (VENEZUELA)
Dr. Pinto is an American Board Certified Anesthesiologist and Pain Medicine Specialist. She has a Medical Doctor’s degree from la Universidad Central de Venezuela. She completed her residency and pediatric anesthesia fellowship in New York City, Columbia University and remained as an assisting professor at the New York-Presbyterian Morgan Stanley Children’s Hospital.
Soon after, her pain medicine training continued at Cornell Weill Hospital and The Hospital for Special Surgery. She also completed a fellowship at the Pain Medicine Department of Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard School of Medicine.
Dr. Pinto has been living in Bermuda for almost 2 decades. She is a staff member at the King Edward Memorial Hospital (KEMH) and runs a private practice at the Bermuda Pain Relief Center.
Annie Pinto, MD (VENEZUELA)

Ricardo Plancarte Sanchez, MD, PhD, FIPP (MEXICO)
Prof. Plancarte, trained in Anesthesiology and intensive care, to later specialize in interventional pain management. He founded the Pain Clinic of the National Institute of Cancerology in Mexico and has been the creator of 5 original techniques in interventional pain management, which are already part of the armamentary of interventional cancer pain treatment. He is a professor at the National Autonomous University of Mexico and has a Doctorate in Medicine research and is a member of the National System of Researchers in Mexico.
Ricardo Plancarte Sanchez, MD, PhD, FIPP (MEXICO)

Carlos Restrepo, MD, FIPP (COLOMBIA)
Carlos Eduardo Restrepo-Garces MD FIPP is a Colombian Anesthetist & Pain Physician. He did his MD and Anesthesia training in Colombia and his Fellowship on Chronic Pain in Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre at the University of Toronto. He is also a FIPP graduate from the WIP.
He is currently an Associate Professor of the Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana, Medellín Colombia, Director of the Pain Relief Unit at UROGINE/QQ, Liaison for the ASRA Newsletter, Director of the Research Committee of the Latin American Pain Society and Co Chair of the Latin American Academy of Ultrasound. His Clinical interest includes US for pelvic pain procedures, Intravenous infusions, Headache and Interventional Cancer Pain and tools for Education in Pain Management, specially interventional pain relief.
Carlos Restrepo, MD, FIPP (COLOMBIA)

Ignacio Reyes Torres, MD, FIPP (MEXICO)
– General medicine
(University Autonomus of Coahuila)
– Anesthesiology
(University of Monterrey)
– Pain Management and Palliative Care
(National Institute of Cancerology, Mexico)
– Interventional Pain Management
(National Institute of Cancerology Mexico)
-Master of Medical Sciences.
– Fellow Interventional Pain (FIPP) Practice by World Institute of Pain.
-Degree of Pain Ambassador
(International speaker on pain issues by the
pharmaceutical industry)
– Founder and Director of the Specialized Center for Comprehensive Pain Management (CEMID) Saltillo, Coahuila, Mexico
– Chief of Acute Pain Unit in Christus Muguerza Hospital.
-Member of the group of examiners for the FIPP certification of the World Institute of Pain
-Author and co-author of 20 articles and
chapters of books.
-Actual President of SMUD Mexican Society of
Ultrasound in Pain 2023-2025
Ignacio Reyes Torres, MD, FIPP (MEXICO)

Andres Rocha-Romero, MD (COSTA RICA)
Anesthesiologist and Pain Medicine specialist from Costa Rica. Centro Oncologico Costarricense, Hospital de Trauma. With multiple articles and book chapters on issues of pain and regional anesthesia. Invited to numerous conferences for workshops and presentations.
Anestesiologo especialista en Algologia y Manejo intervencionista del dolor en Costa Rica. Centro Oncologico Costarricense, Hospital de Trauma. Con multiples articulos y capitulos de libro en temas de dolor y anestesia regional. Invitado en multiples congresos para talleres y ponencias.
Andres Rocha-Romero, MD (COSTA RICA)

-Título y Especialidad:
- Médica (UMSA), La Paz, Bolivia.
- Especialista en Anestesiología, Reanimación y Dolor (Jefa de Residentes), del Hospital Obrero CNS, Santa Cruz, Bolivia.
-Especialización en Dolor en:
- Unidad de Dolor del Hospital Universitario 12 de Octubre (Madrid), España.
- Unidad de Dolor del Hospital Ramón y Cajal (Madrid), España.
- Unidad de Dolor del Hospital Santa Creu Isant Pau (Barcelona), España.
- Hospital Clínico Universitario de Salamanca (Salamanca), España.
- Training Interdisciplinary Pain Management and in Radiofrecquency Techniques, Boston Pain Care Center, (Boston), EEUU.
-Postgrados en Dolor:
- Máster en Estudio y Tratamiento de Dolor (Universidad de Salamanca, España).
- Postgrado en Técnicas Intervencionistas para Dolor Refractario (Universidad Nacional de La Plata – CAIDBA), Argentina.
-Certificaciones Internacionales en Intervencionismo en Dolor:
- Fellow of Interventional Pain Practice – FIPP N°1265 (World Institute of Pain, EEUU).
- Médica Acreditada en Técnicas Intervencionistas del Dolor – MATID N°24 (ALMID – FEDELAT – Fundación CENIT, Universidad de Panamá).
-Cargos Asistenciales:
- Directora de Aliviar, Centro Especializado en el Tratamiento del Dolor.
- Medicina del Dolor, Clínica Foianini.
- Medicina del Dolor, Clínica de Las Américas.
-Cargos Institucionales:
- Miembro Directivo de la Sociedad Boliviana de Anestesiología, Reanimación y Dolor (SBARD) – Filial Santa Cruz.
- Presidente de la Asociación Boliviana del Dolor (ABD) – Filial Santa Cruz.
- Secretaria Científica del “Comité Internacional de Mujeres en Neuromodulación” de la Sociedad Argentina de Neuromodulación (SANE), Capítulo de la International Neuromodulation Society (INS).
- Board of Director por Bolivia del Latin American Pain Society (LAPS).

Marcela Samano, MD (MEXICO)
Marcela Samano, MD (MEXICO)

Michael Schatman, PhD, CPE (USA)
Dr. Michael Schatman is a clinical psychologist who has spent the past 37 years working in multidisciplinary chronic pain management. He currently serves on the faculty of the Department of Anesthesiology, Perioperative Care, & Pain Medicine and the Division of Medical Ethics in the Department of Population Health, both at the NYU Grossman School of Medicine. Dr. Schatman is the author of over 175 journal articles and book chapters on various aspects of chronic pain management, and lectures regularly on pain management on local, national, and international bases. Much of his current research is neuromodulation outcomes Dr. Schatman is a member of the Editorial Boards of numerous journals, and for the past 10 years, he has served as the Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Pain Research. He is also the editor of Ethical Issues in Chronic Pain Management and Chronic Pain Management: Guidelines for Multidisciplinary Program Development, both of which were released by Informa Healthcare in 2007. He is the past-Chairperson of the Ethics Special Interest Group of the American Pain Society, and the immediate past-Chair of the Ethics Committee of the American Academy of Pain Medicine. *
Michael Schatman, PhD, CPE (USA)

Ana Carolina Sepúlveda Vildósola, MD (Mexico)
Ana Carolina Sepúlveda Vildósola, MD (Mexico)

Victor Silva, MD, FIPP, CIPS (MEXICO)
Interventional pain management professor at the Tecnológico de Monterrey and University of Guadalajara. Fellow of Interventional Pain Practice FIPP and Certified Interventional Pain Sonologist CIPS.
Victor Silva, MD, FIPP, CIPS (MEXICO)

Juan Carlos Sosa Nicora, MD (PARAGUAY)
Medical Doctor Degree – Universidad Nacional de Asunción
Fellow of Anesthesia, Resuscitation and Pain Therapy – Universidad Catolica. Asunción, Paraguay
Fellow of Anesthesia – Hospital de Igualada. Barcelona, España.
European Master in Clinical Research – Hospital Cliníc. Barcelona España.
Active Member of ESRA
Active Member of IASP:
Former LASRA Delegate: helped organize regional anesthesia teaching throughout the country. LASRA Committee Member for the period 2019-2024.
Actual Member of Board of Director – Latin American Pain Society: Dedicated to promote pain education and proper certification throughout Latin America.
Juan Carlos Sosa Nicora, MD (PARAGUAY)

Mark Tolliver, MA (USA)
D. Mark Tolliver is Executive Officer of the World Institute of Pain (WIP), the premiere international medical society for interventional pain physicians. Mr. Tolliver has been with WIP since 2010, and works closely with the Fellow of Interventional Pain Practice (FIPP)® and Certified Interventional Pain Sonologist (CIPS) Examination programs.
Mr. Tolliver is also a graduate student in the MS/PhD program in Measurement and Quantiative Methods, Educational Research Methodology in the School of Education at the University of North Carolina Greensboro in North Carolina, USA.
Mark Tolliver, MA (USA)

Marcela Torreblanca, MD (MEXICO)
Marcela Torreblanca, MD (MEXICO)

Juan Carlos Torres Huerta MD, FIPP (Mexico)
Juan Carlos Torres Huerta MD, FIPP (Mexico)

Andrea Trescot, MD, FIPP, CIPS (USA)
Andrea Trescot, MD is the past president of the American Society of Interventional Pain Physicians (ASIPP), past pain fellowship director at the University of Florida and the University of Washington, the current Chief Medical Officer of Curonix (a wireless spinal cord and peripheral stimulation company), the current Chief Medical Officer of a 40-practice pain group (Physician Partners of America), and the current Chief Medical Officer of Beaches Recovery. Dr. Trescot has authored more than 150 peer-reviewed articles and textbook chapters, and she is the editor and senior author of a 900-page pain textbook (Peripheral Nerve Entrapments – Clinical Diagnosis and Management) as well as Peripheral Nerve Stimulation. She is also co-author of PainWise – A Patient’s Guide to Pain Management, as well as co-editor of the three-volume pain review textbook Pain Medicine & Interventional Pain Management – A Comprehensive Review and the recent Interventional Pain – A Step-by-Step Guide for the FIPP Exam. She is board-certified in anesthesiology, critical care, pain management, interventional pain management, and addictionology. She speaks nationally and internationally on multiple topics of pain medicine, interventional pain management, and addiction.
Andrea Trescot, MD, FIPP, CIPS (USA)

Ana Valencia, MD (COLOMBIA)
Médica, Especialista en Anestesia y Reanimación, Especialista en Dolor y Cuidados Paliativos, Magister en anestesia regional guiados por ultrasonido, Magíster en bioética con mención laureada por su tesis “Principios Bioéticos para el uso terapéutico del Cannabis, una propuesta a partir de la ética de la Razón Cordial”. Mas de 20 años de experiencia clínica y cinco años de experiencia en él uso médico del cannabis.
Physician, Specialist in Anesthesia, Specialist in Pain and Palliative Care, Master in Ultrasound-guided Regional Anesthesia, Master in Bioethics with a laureate mention for her thesis “Bioethical Principles for the therapeutic use of Cannabis, a proposal based on the ethics of Cordial Reason”. More than 20 years of clinical experience and five years of experience in the medical use of cannabis.
Ana Valencia, MD (COLOMBIA)

Ricardo Vallejo, MD, PhD, FIPP (USA)
Dr. Ricardo Vallejo is the Director of Research at Millennium Pain Center. He is deeply committed to discovering new methods and treatments for chronic pain. Dr. Vallejo holds multiple appointments in the editorial boards of international peer review journals such as Clinical Journal of Pain, Pain Physicians, Journal of Opioid Management Revista Mexicana de Anestesiologia.
Dr. Vallejo is the current Associate Editor of the journal Pain Practice, where he established the section Images in Pain Practice in 2007. He is also a member of the examination board for the World Institute of Pain. Dr. Vallejo has published extensively in national and international peer-review journals and serves as a speaker in meetings around the world. He is adjunct professor at the Illinois State University. Research interests of Dr. Vallejo include management of chronic pain status, such as sympathetically maintained pain: failed back surgery, and discogenic low back pain. His research efforts are aimed at understanding the immune mechanisms underlying neuropathic pain conditions and the effects of electrical stimulation on the central and peripheral immune response.
Dr. Vallejo received his medical degree in Colombia and then pursued his PhD in Immunology at the Complutense University in Madrid Spain. During his residency in Anesthesiology at the University of Miami he became Chief Residence of the program and served as resident representative for the Florida Society of Anesthesiology and The American Society of Anesthesiology. Dr. Vallejo then pursued his fellowship in Pain Medicine at Harvard Medical School at Massachusetts General Hospital. He was awarded the Diplomate of the American Board of Anesthesiology in 2001 and further board certification in Pain Medicine in 2002. After graduation, Dr. Vallejo joined Millennium Pain Center in Bloomington, Illinois.
Ricardo Vallejo, MD, PhD, FIPP (USA)

Thais Vanetti, MD, FIPP (BRAZIL)
Dr Thais K. Vanetti is a Fellow in Interventional Pain Practice. She`s a Medical anesthesiologist specialized in Pain Treatment by the Brazilian Medical Association. Dr Thais is also an Assistant physician at Singular Pain Management Center in Campinas, Brazil and works at Hospital 22 de Outubro in Mogi Mirim in Sao Paulo.
Thais Vanetti, MD, FIPP (BRAZIL)

Juan Felipe Vargas, MD, FIPP (COLOMBIA)
El Doctor Juan Felipe Vargas Silva obtuvo su título de Médico y Cirujano en la Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana en Medellín, Colombia. Posteriormente Obtuvo su título de Anestesiología en la Universidad CES en la misma ciudad. Luego, realiza la subespecialiad (Fellowship) en Medicina del dolor y Cuidados Paliativos en la Universidad El Bosque/Fundación Santa Fe, en Bogotá, Colombia. Ha realizado practicas clínicas en el Hospital Clinic de Barcelona (España) y el Hospital General de Montreal (Canadá). Actualmente, se desempeña como Médico Subespecialista en Medicina del Dolor y Cuidados Paliativos, en el Hospital Pablo Tobón Uribe en Medellín, Colombia. Es profesor asociado de la Subespecialidad de Medicina del dolor en la Universidad de Antioquia y Universidad El Bosque. Su principal interés ha sido en las aplicaciones del ultrasonido en la medicina del dolor, en donde ha publicado varios artículos en revistas y libros nacionales e internacionales y ha sido organizador y conferencista en múltiples congresos y talleres, con énfasis en ultrasonido aplicado a la anestesia, anestesia regional, medicina perioperatoria y dolor.
Juan Felipe Vargas, MD, FIPP (COLOMBIA)